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Madelyn Núñez

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I was born on August 28th, 1998 in San Salvador. I live with my parents, my older sister and my two cats. But when I was a child I used to live with my grandparents.

I started my primary education when I was three years old because I felt the desire to attend the kindergarten at that age.

Then, when I was in first grade I did not want to continue studying because I was not able to get along with my teacher, this I took a year off. But, I went back to school next year.

Some years later, I started my secondary school at INIM. I decided to study something related to technology, but my parents did not agree.  Hence, I considered studying English instead.

After I graduated from High School I had the opportunity to obtain a scholarship to study at Universidad Gerardo Barrios. In the next three years, I hope to graduate from the University and get a job to help my family.

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